
What People Are Saying About Our Events


“Heartfelt gratitude and kudos to Sovereign Women Speak!  Being amongst courageous cutting-edge women all standing to preserving female sex-based rights was like landing on a rock in the middle of a stormy sea.  I found hope and inspiration, with plenty of opportunities for learning, action, and friendship with women from across the U.S.  This much-needed gathering fills a gap and is meaningful here in the Pacific Northwest where women and girls have lost so much under the guise of “progressive” state law.  Thank you!” 

— Sandra Locklear

"What a great experience for women to feel their power, personal sovereignty, and sisterhood! Inspiring women speakers, eye-opening education and profoundly moving participatory group events... all well-organized by the superb April Morrow and her excellent team. One of the best conferences I have ever attended. Highly recommended!" --

— Ava Park, Director, Museum of Woman

“Sovereign Women Speak 2021 was an amazing, inspiring and empowering event in far too many ways for me to describe in a brief testimonial. That being said, there were two standout experiences that remain permanently etched in my mind, as well as on my heart.

Never before had I felt the collective power of the sisterhood so profoundly then I did while participating in the Purdy Prison Protest (absolute capper: women inside acknowledging our support) and the #WeStandWithMarionMiller solidarity action (Sovereign Women Speak / Women Won’t Wheesht!) that closed out the weekend.

Impactful moments like these would not have been possible without April’s mad organizational skills or the considerable efforts of her support team. Kudos to every single one of you for a job well done! I could not be more grateful that SWS 2021 helped fan the spark of the burgeoning US Women’s Liberation movement into flame.”

— Kerri Bruss

"I met so many like minded and strong womyn who support each other. I have had very few opportunities to experience such wonderful sisterhood. The organizers are so professional and caring for all of the attendees. They have created a groundwork for helping womyn in prison and around the world that is unparalleled by any other local organization. I am amazed by what these womyn have accomplished"

— Corrina D’Annibale

“Sovereign Women Speaks 2021 was incredible. I found myself in the presence of so many brilliant, committed, joyful women dedicated to fighting for women and girls everywhere. It had been years since I’d been surrounded by so much amazing female energy. I’ve been missing that in my life. And I learned so much about the state of the struggle for women’s rights today. Also, there was singing and dancing and a bit of protesting. I’m definitely going to get more involved now. And I will definitely be at the next conference.”

—Julie Cornell

“Attending Sovereign Women Speak allowed me to access my own strength - to feel empowered and able to embrace my unique voice as a woman in this world. Since attending, I've met some lifelong friends and have been able to connect with women doing truly incredible things. With the power of sisterhood, the impossible becomes possible."

—Amanda R.

“It was such a pleasure to attend the Sovereign Women Speak event.  To be with women from across the U.S. and from across the political spectrum who are as angry as I am about the damage being done by Gender Identity Ideology was a massive relief.  Everyone was deeply informed, driven by a sense of justice and compassion, and determined to turn things around.  Everyone was also keenly aware that toxic ideologies like Gender Identity advance when we let ourselves be divided.  Listening respectfully and deeply to each other, we found common ground on many fronts, and this is the way forward to the kind of world we all want. Count me in for future events, and for building our community and our power." 

— Carol Dansereau

“Sovereign Women Speak 2021 energized me in so many ways! I loved meeting women from around the country, sharing our experiences on how to be more effective in our organizing against male violence against women and children. It was wonderful getting to meet sisters who I had only known previously via social media.”

— Holly Hart

“Sovereign Women Speak 2021 was an incredible experience, one that I am so grateful for. I met many amazing women, several of whom I have since done activist projects and developed friendships with. The weekend itself was a lot of fun as well as valuable protest experience for me, as I was a newcomer at the time. I developed more comfortability with attending protests, found my voice/strength, and also developed more of a sureness in myself. I have never been around so many women in my life and though we did protest and work on that, the female connection ever present throughout the event and the workshops were what made the weekend worth going.”


Dear April and all you amazing & inspiring women attending this weekend's Sovereign Women Speak conference:

I was so blessed and honored to meet you Friday night, and I so wish I could have stayed for the entire beautiful weekend!  Thank you so very much for the warm welcome you extended to Jody and me--both of us left feeling energized, refreshed, and restored just by being in your presence and leaning into the common cause we all share--that of protecting the rights and safety of women and children everywhere from the dangers & injustices of the gender ideology movement. I look forward to staying in touch with you and helping in any way I can to advance this urgent cause. Thank you again for your gracious, encouragement, love, and support that I so clearly felt from you, my Sovereign Sisters!  

With gratitude, love, and blessings,

Elizabeth Kreiselmaier, Ph.D.
Candidate, U.S. House of Representatives WA's 6th Congressional District
"Mom on a Mission to Clean Up The House"

—Elizabeth Kreiselmaier

“I received a scholarship to SWS last year. I am SO grateful I did. Between the excellent presentations I enjoyed the company and solidarty of magnificent women. From the moment I left the gate at the Seattle International airport, until my drop off, I was so well cared for. The prison protest was a triumph, followed by more work downtown.

All in all an incredible experience!

And Karaoke too!”

—Sky Gwin

“Dear April,

I was so so so grateful for the opportunity to drive 3000 miles one way to be with the women at your event! I met so many FB friends and meeting Kat was definitely the best, and Dr. Vierling's presentation was literally life changing. Faith is a very good friend now! I got to re-meet women I already knew in real life too.

The event was very dynamic, dicing right in with protest sign making and the bridge protest, awesome. The presenters and sessions were great, all relevant, and the prison protest was life-changing.

Thank you for your continued involvement in this front.”

—Your sister, Julie Edgar

“SWS could not have been better timed. I was in the deepest of despair.  I thought I was alone in the fight against the gender ideology that had captured my 14-year-old daughter. The conference gave me the tools and the voice I needed to both save my daughter and be an advocate for other parents. I am eternally grateful.”

— C.J.

“Sovereign Women Speak 2021 was a game changer for me. The sisterhood I felt, and the breath of stories and strategies the women shared, was so very eye opening. Brave sisters from many areas of the country told of their experiences defending the rights of women and girls to sex-based rights and single-sex spaces. Young detransitioners told us their moving stories, too. So much great information from Beth Stelzer, K. Yang, Ava Park, Suzanne Forbes-Vierling, Alix Aharon's and others! April is a VISIONARY organizer who provided us with a wonderful comfortable and productive space. We were valued and nurtured as we listened, asked questions, discussed, ate together, staged a protest event, and rested together. Sovereign Women showed me the power of women's intelligence, wisdom, and sisterhood. Thank you, April!!”

—Magali Roy

“SWS 2021 was an incredibly inspiring event. It was one of a growing number of “pop-up,” women focused events that are breathing new life into the American feminist movement! It was a long weekend of feminist action, education and skill building, and I got to meet and network with some of the most dynamic, diverse female activists from around the country. I met radical feminists, concerned mothers fighting for their sons and daughters caught up in the gender cult, LGB, environmental, and legal activists, all of whom helped me “connect the dots” between these various fronts and the struggles of women to hold off the assault on our basic human rights.

The conference attendees were very diverse in age, race, and political backgrounds. Many of the conference speakers and leaders were women of color–counteracting the dishonest, mainstream narrative that this kind of feminism is “white” or just concerned with white women.  Attending the Sovereign Women Speak conference marked an end to my isolation and silence. It helped me connect to local sisters and energized me to continue the feminist fight in my own locale.” 

—Amy Aplomb

“Sovereign Women Speak is a well organized Women’s Rights event centering Women’s empowerment through sisterhood.

I met so many amazing courageous women who are not afraid to put themselves forward as frontline warriors in the war for women’s rights, privacy and dignity.

It is why I have hope for the future, Women Will Win if we stick together.

Sisters in solidarity.”

—Jennifer Thomas