We will not comply to an Insanity Igniting Inhumanity!
We oppose HB 1901 & SB 5883
HB 1901
This bill is a mixed bag of politics which aims to add ‘coercive control’ to the list of behaviors judges can use to justify a charge of domestic violence. Expressing or advocating one’s Christian beliefs to a spouse/partner or children regarding gender identity, gender transition treatment, sexual activity, or abortion would be considered domestic violence and subject to a court ordered ban from one’s home and contact with one’s family for up to one year or longer. A recent California court hearing resulted in a father being banned from contact with his child for not agreeing with his son’s gender transition treatment. This bill now considers words of disagreement ‘violence’. In addition, monitoring one’s spouse/partner’s financial activity, movements, communications, or preventing one’s child from attending extracurricular activity would be considered domestic violence. Also, normal parenting verbal conflicts and behaviors, such as yelling, nagging, harsh words, pleading, influencing, arguing and disagreements would be considered domestic violence and subject to drastic penalties without any need of evidence. Passed House Chamber 71 to 25. Passed Senate Chamber 30 to 17.
Washington state is being led by Neo liberals with a very real and scary agenda. The Gender Mapper has located over 300 gender clinics in the US, including many in the Pacific NW. The elite on the left have manufactured an agenda to make billions of dollars by brainwashing our children towards disembodiment. The new LGBTQIA / AI New World Order spiraled from 9.9 billion in 2015, to an alarming 36 trillion by 2020, from mutilating the bodies of children between 12-18 years old. This is not acceptable!
SB 5883
Expands informed consent for unaccompanied or runaway homeless youth to receive health care treatment without parental permission and thus takes away a parent or guardian’s right to make health care decisions for their children. This will make it easier for children to remain homeless or in a runaway status and harms the state’s efforts to reunify families. Passed Senate Chamber 28 to 21. Passed House Chamber 57 to 41.
Sovereign Women Speaks takes a firm stand against the medicalization of young people who suffer from gender dysphoria. No young person should be given puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, both of which have negative long-term health consequences, nor should their healthy breasts and genitalia be amputated, leaving them both disfigured and sterile. We oppose the so-called “affirmation model” in which doctors and therapists accept young patients’ self-diagnoses as “being trans,'' ignoring the many other psychological conditions that nearly always accompany the rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) that many adolescents, especially females, suffer from today. We are aware of the research showing that many of these young people are gay or are simply gender non-conforming, and the majority of them will outgrow their gender dysphoria naturally. Stats show us 96% of children outgrow gender dysphoria after age 25. What is being done to thousands of young people in the name of gender ideology is an enormous medical scandal with tragic consequences, and SWS seeks to expose it as such.
One must question what catapulted this epidemic of young girls loathing their bodies and wanting to identify as male. Like sponges, our young girls absorb into their souls the daily misogyny that comes with living in male dominated culture. For twenty years now, we’ve lived in a digital era into the “fourth revolution,” where girls are pornified, prostituted, trafficked, and taught they are nothing but a commodity for men. Misogyny fills girls with shame and leads them to hate their bodies. Over 45,000 young girls are fundraising to have their breast and female parts removed. On the flip side, we have many young girls wanting silicone implants for graduations gifts. Many of our girls aren’t able to be free themselves from the sea of internalized shame and misogyny into which they were born. The only hope we have to change any of this is to change the culture!
“Within this culture wealth is measured by one’s ability to consume and destroy.”
— Derrick Jensen