Friday August 20 Workshop


Ava Park

Dismissed, Demonized and Denied: How The Queen Archetype in Woman Fixes All That’s Wrong with Civilization, Starting with Patriarchy
Friday 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Inspiring women to greatness now through the history of goddesses, queens, and wise women from the Paleolithic to the present.

Bio-Ava cares about one thing: nourishing the Primal Power of Woman that She may guide the world to goodness.

Recognized as the world’s foremost authority on The Queen Archetype in Woman


Saturday August 21 Workshops

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Joey Brite
Finding Your Voice

Saturday 7:00 AM- 8:00 AM

Most everyone is familiar with the saying, "speak your mind even if your voice shakes". While that cannot be more true than ever as we are all trying to save the rights of women and girls, we can learn some basics that will help us overcome the nervousness. This workshop is designed for anyone who is scared to stand up in front of a group and speak out loud. We will go through simple use of the speaking voice, volume control, command at the front of the room, and how to properly use and hold a microphone. Group size is limited so that every participant gets practice in front of the audience. Supportive and informative, this session is geared to help build confidence so that new leaders can be born.

Size limit: 35


Dr. Suzanne Vierling
Techniques on Counter Gaslighting
Saturday 8:10 AM - 9:00 AM

Blocking Patriarchal Narcissistic arguments that focus on erasing Womanhood.

It is important for us to keep an eye on the big picture of why we do not tolerate our erasure as a sex based class. There are legal implications for our subjugation and no one has the right to categorize our concerns as “emotional” or “TERFish.” Have you been in conversations where your womanhood has been questioned? Asked to define your existence as a woman yet the definition of manhood is never in question? The facilitator will open with the roots of this phenomena, why it is effective for men and harmful for women. We will go into breakouts where we will share examples of our experiences and reconvene as a team to problem solve.

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K. Yang
Mapping the Tans Agenda

9:10 AM - 10:00 AM

Have you wondered what makes the rainbow propaganda machine move with such precision, embedding itself into seemingly every facet of American life? It has become glaringly obvious that we are dealing with much more than an organic social movement striving to give voice to the oppressed and to progress us all towards the “right side of history”. Join a creative space with other women who also have big ideas and questions about what we are up against.

The facilitator will open with a short visual presentation drawing from her personal experiences working in an administrative capacity at an LGBT non-profit to highlight how the state, private, and corporate sectors work in concert to advance the transgender agenda.
Be ready to tap into your own unique experiences and areas of expertise. We will utilize this rare opportunity to brainstorm and connect dots as a team. By first separating into break out groups and then coming back together as a whole group, we will create a visual illustration of the web connecting various nodes of what may be the most massive and highly coordinated social and political agenda the world has ever seen. 

This 50 minute workshop is open for everyone and will include: unique presentation revealing insider information from a former “trans rights activist”,an opportunity for women to participate in focused and intentional small group conversation, big group brainstorming and strategy session, and the results will be made into a digital graphic design and posted online.


Kara Dansky
How Ordinary Women Like Us Can Challenge Injustices
Saturday 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM

An overview of the structure of government in the U.S., including each branch of government and their authorities and responsibilities.

Lierre Keith & April Morrow
Non Violence Protest Plan & De-escalation Training
Saturday 11:10 AM- 12:00 PM

If you plan to participate at the protest, this workshop is required. We will go over the details of the protest and do a nonviolence and de-escalation training.


Sunday, August 22 Workshop


Lynn Chadwick
Is There Hope for the Children?
Sunday 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

An Exploration on where the youth culture is today, why we should be concerned, and what we can do about it.  

We are living in a culture that is training the next generation that there is no such thing as biological sex, that all gender identities must be embraced and celebrated, and that it's not only possible but actually common to be born with a boy brain in a girl body.  The outgrowth of this belief, when brought to full fruition, is truly frightening.  In this workshop, we will explore the forces of culture that our young people are swimming in and how it's affecting their core beliefs.  We will talk about the social contagion described by Lisa Littman as Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, and what can be done to rescue our kids. I will also explore what is happening in the medical industry, which is currently exploding with pediatric and informed consent clinics and medical providers, all done with no oversight or accreditation.  In addition, the therapeutic community has been captured, making it nearly impossible for young people to get proper mental health evaluation and care.  Legislation has been passed that is enabling this predatory industry, while tying the hands of concerned parents.  This is vital information not only for parents who are directly affected, but for everyone.  We have an emergency on our hands, because the number of children being affected by this has skyrocketed in the past few years.  The good news is, we now have more information, helpful resources, and organizations forming to protect kids and counter this narrative than we had even a year ago.  


Woman II Woman inc.
Each One Teach One
8:10 AM - 9:00 AM

We will share our stories of how we met in prison and what we learned from each other followed by how we have taken these gifts and taught what we've learned to someone else.

We'll close by encouraging participants to engage on a One to one basis with friends and associates that could benefit from anything we shared and to share the origin of what they pass on. Thus spreading awareness of what's going on in women's prison, bringing a humane identity to incarcerated women and bringing one of our biggest prison philosophies to the free world.

Trans Indoctrination in Public Schools Sunday 9:10 AM to 10:40 AM


Carol Dansereau

Carol Dansereau is an author, former lawyer, parent, grandparent, and environmental activist.  She has been actively defending sex-based rights, gay rights, free speech, and material reality from gender ideology since mid-2019.  Dansereau helped organize the Fighting the New Misogyny event that took place at the Seattle Public Library in early 2020 and testified at public hearings against efforts to cancel it.

Deeply concerned about the toxic influence of gender ideology on children, Dansereau submitted a public disclosure act request to the Seattle School District and engaged in other research to obtain its gender identity education materials.  Those materials are now readily accessible to all via a BiologyMatters video:

The public schools are playing a major role in spreading Gender Identity Ideology through society.  From kindergarten through high school, they are delivering a steady stream of misinformation to children.  A person’s sex is whatever they say it is.  Some people are born in the wrong body.  The only appropriate response to someone claiming to be the opposite sex is affirmation.  Men who say they are women are entitled to women’s spaces, sports, and language.

Children emerge from the schools lacking basic knowledge about biology and primed to accept the erasure of sex-based rights.  Many have subjected their bodies to puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and even surgical removal of healthy body parts.

The speakers will discuss what’s being taught in U.S. public schools using Denver and Seattle as examples.  They will describe how they obtained curriculum details, their organizing plans for the future, and efforts in other states with which they are familiar.


After Jeanna and Carol’s presentations, there will be plenty of time for questions, discussion, and strategizing. 


Jeanna Hoch

Jeanna Hoch owns the small business CannaMama Clinic, and is known as The CannaMama in the cannabis industry. Hoch obtained her political science degree from Colorado University at Denver in 2011 where her focus was class oppression. In 2014, she #peaktrans on the issue of men in women’s rape shelters and has been publicly opposed to trans ideology since. Hoch is a Denver Public Schools parent and certified volunteer.

Hoch educates parents how public schools are indoctrinating their children and entire communities into transgender ideology acceptance. She reviews in detail exactly what trans ideological tools have been institutionalized with success. She offers the tools needed to understand what to look for in your own district and how to fight back.


Alex Aharon

Gender Mapper

10:50 AM - 11:50 PM

Alix will either be with us live or live stream depending on Covid rules from flying from Isreal.